HANDMADE PIXELS: Exposing the Animation Process
Curated by Lisa Perrott
Calder & Lawson Gallery
University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
1 - 30 October 2011
EyeContact Review of Exhibition
HANDMADE PIXELS: Exposing the Animation Process
Handmade Pixels features works by Len Lye, Lisa Mitchell, Lisa Reihana and Campbell Farquhar.
OPEN 1 – 30 OCTOBER 2011
Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm.
New Zealand animation has grown from a strong tradition of handmade innovation that harks back to the iconic number- 8-wire approach. Len Lye was a pioneer of the method of direct animation and his handmade sensibility has influenced animators across the globe.
While Lye led the way for a distinctively handmade characteristic of animation in New Zealand, he also laid the framework for recent experimentation with digital technologies. It is this dynamic space between handmade and digital processes that will be uncovered in Handmade Pixels, offering an insight into the behind-the-scenes workings of these labour intensive filmic wonders.